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139 products
Jumbo salted cashews
EGP 165
Jumbo salted cashews
EGP 165
Healthy snack mix
EGP 113
Healthy snack mix
EGP 113
چيلي اسباني
EGP 58
چيلي اسباني
EGP 58
Luxury American walnuts
EGP 100
Luxury American walnuts
EGP 100
American pistachio
EGP 155
American pistachio
EGP 155
An assortment of salted nuts
EGP 144
An assortment of salted nuts
EGP 144
Super salted pulp
EGP 45
Super salted pulp
EGP 45
Aswan peanuts
EGP 27
Aswan peanuts
EGP 27
Spanish corn
EGP 50
Spanish corn
EGP 50
Snack sticks
EGP 20
Snack sticks
EGP 20
Smoked Sudanese
EGP 33
Smoked Sudanese
EGP 33
Salted Sudanese
EGP 27
Salted Sudanese
EGP 27
Spanish jelly beans
EGP 57
Spanish jelly beans
EGP 57
Sunflower pulp
EGP 39
Sunflower pulp
EGP 39
Kono snacks
EGP 20
Kono snacks
EGP 20
Roasted American almonds
EGP 135
Roasted American almonds
EGP 135
Spanish marshmallow
EGP 70
Spanish marshmallow
EGP 70
A luxurious assortment of nuts
EGP 184
A luxurious assortment of nuts
EGP 184
Chinese flavored crackers
EGP 55
Chinese flavored crackers
EGP 55
Chinese crackers and snacks with delicious snack flavors made with white rice.
Salted pistachios
EGP 188
Salted pistachios
EGP 188
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139 products